More than 24 years teaching technology from kindergarden students to 84 year old students have motivated and confirmed Mary Lule that age is just a number. Everyone can learn about technology.
Mary Lule loves God (He gives purpose to her life), running, cycling, photography, dogs (specially groenendaels, she has 3) and mountains (specially rescuing at the mountain).
►Learn more about her story and her gratitude and love to serve with her platform Builderall, systems, training and tools HERE.
Speaker, life coach, reflections and loving solutions from God to everyone's life.
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Proud promoter and user of Builderall (the best and most complete digital marketing platform) and its tools, team and training.
Proud promoter of the Taylor Your Best Life solutions (the most effective affiliate marketing systems) by James Neville-Taylor, its community and successful leader.
In order to be a member of the Digital Rescue Brigade, you need to have the following values and skills.
Understand that every day is a good day to learn something new. Nobody knows everything. New information and strategies are requiered for our modern world.
In order to be able to help someone, the digital rescuer needs to know how to listen (symptoms, needs, aches and more). After that, it is requiered to know how to offer the solution and help.
A Digital Rescuer has to know that her and his calling is for bigger and greater things. Why? Because by being prosperous in everything (financial, personal, health and soul), he and she will be able to help others prosper too.
In order to go faster and higher, you will understand that it is less risky to go by yourself. Accept help and be sure to offer it too.
Desarrollamos y aplicamos en múltiples discplinas deportivas y de servicio en Cruz Roja, Brigada de Rescate del Socorro Alpino de México y al trabajo continuo junto a nuestros socios.
Money is very important becuase it allows you to invest, give, bless. To be able to do tat, you have to have a giving heart, one that cares about other's situation and offers help.
Compartimos lo que nos permite seguir haciendo lo que amamos hacer, para que más personas lo hagan también.
Know that with the tools you have and the skills you develop, you will be able to create solutions for you and for others. Feel unconfortable on your confortable zone.
Nuestros socios y clientes se encuentran en México, Estados Unidos, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Irlanda, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana y más.
"Amamos cumplir el propósito cada día, antes participando en rescates de montaña y ahora: apoyando en el Rescate de Sueños y Negocios de empresari@s de diferentes partes del mundo enseñando Marketing Digital."
Contamos con las herramientas de Marketing Digital que permiten que nuestros clientes tengan más ventas e ingresos.
"In consectetuer turpis ut velit. Suspendisse nisl elit, rhoncus eget, elementum ac, condimentum eget, diam. Donec sodales sagittis."
In consectetuer turpis ut velit. Suspendisse nisl elit, rhoncus eget, elementum ac, condimentum eget, diam. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Maecenas egestas mattis placerat.
"In consectetuer turpis ut velit. Suspendisse nisl elit, rhoncus eget, elementum ac, condimentum eget, diam. Donec sodales sagittis."
"In consectetuer turpis ut velit. Suspendisse nisl elit, rhoncus eget, elementum ac, condimentum eget, diam. Donec sodales sagittis."
"In consectetuer turpis ut velit. Suspendisse nisl elit, rhoncus eget, elementum ac, condimentum eget, diam. Donec sodales sagittis."
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